Fieldwork 2019 July – December

Programme pending

Please note: The VWSG committee is currently conducting a review of the group’s research and field work priorities. A new programme will be available later in the year once this review is completed. Please contact the VWSG Chair if you would like further details.

In the meantime, we encourage all members to head out into the field and look for flag sightings of both resident and migratory waders. There may be some young birds flagged over the 2018-2019 spring-summer season hanging around. And oystercatchers will be flocking now so winter is a good opportunity to look for flagged birds.

And for those that enjoy counting, the winter Western Port survey is occurring on June 15. Contact Andrew Silcocks at BirdLife Australia if you’re interested in participating. Or if you’d prefer to count another shorebird area over winter, contact Dan Weller to find our the schedule for your location shorebird area.