EAAFSSM wrap up of VWSG talks

Between November 3 and 5, the first East Asian-Australasian Flyway Shorebird Science Meeting was held online, hosted by the National Institute of Ecology, Seocheon-gun, Republic of Korea.

The meeting had a fantastic array of speakers from different parts of the flyway, and a huge amount of new and exciting research and information was shared among participants.

A number of VWSG and AWSG members presented during this conference, about many great findings and achievements. There was also a fabulous plenary from Kate Gorringe-Smith on using art to engage, educate and inspire people about shorebirds.

Michelle Wille provided a excellent plenary speech on viruses in shorebirds. If you didn’t understand viruses before this talk, you would definitely know all about them after hearing this presentation!


Grace Maglio talked about the results of the oriental pratincole satellite tracking.


Amanda Lilleyman talked about the migration routes and non-breeding distribution of eastern curlew.


Ken Gosbell shared insights from a decade of turnstone geolocator studies.


Birgita Hansen provided new information about staging sites for Latham’s Snipe in Papua New Guinea.


Marcel Klaassen discussed the challenges of undertaking survival analyses on 40 years of banding data.


And Danny Rogers highlighted the importance of Melbourne’s Western Treatment Plant for shorebirds.
