Update on Victorian curlews
Curlew WEE has made a full northward and southward migration journey. WEE migrated through the Philipine Sea and landed in southern China before spending time in the Yellow Sea. WEE staged near Dandong, China and then North Korea and South Korea before flying to the breeding grounds in northern China. The bird nested in the area of Heilongjiang, but quite close to the border of Russia. WEE returned to Western Port in early October 2019 and has been spending its time moving between the beaches of Koo Wee Rup (near Yallock Creek site) and Jam Jerrup / The Gurdies (in Pioneer Bay).
After avoiding Tropical Cyclone Trevor on 22nd March, the third Curlew from Victoria, RUP, has continued to head further south towards Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. RUP returned to Western Port in May and moved around mudflats all around Western Port over the austral winter.