Grey Plover CAU still at Bald Hill
The male Grey Plover CAU remains feeding and roosting at Bald Hill, Gulf St Vincent in South Australian. The latest satellite transmission was received on the 7th September. The last high quality fix was received on the 31st August 2017. The transmitter was deployed on this bird in December 2016. The bird had previously departed Bald Hill on the 17th April, where it had spent the summer. Sometime after the 15th of May, the male Grey Plover CAU, departed the Kimberley coast and has flown back to, returning to its previous site at Bald Hill by the 22nd of May 2017. Local birder Paul Taylor regularly photographs shorebirds at Bald Hill. He again photographed Grey Plover CAU at Bald Hill on the 6th September with what appears to be a recently arrived bird and 3 other overwintering Grey Plovers.