Report leg flag and band resightings
Thank you for contributing to shorebird research studies in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. The information you are helping to collect is incredibly valuable for scientific and conservation purposes.
Submit your sightings to the BirdMark portal
You can also see re-sightings of tagged birds showcased on the BirdMark portal.
The new BirdMark portal is specially designed for resightings of colour marked waders along our flyway.
The BirdMark site went live in February 2021. It contains banding and flagging data from the VWSG. It also contains data from the Australasian Wader Studies Group, Global Flyway Network, Northern Territory wader study group and Queensland Wader Study Group, as well as observations from throughout the flyway.
In 4 different languages it offers the possibility to enter and submit your observations both interactively or as a file. Videos on the various ways in which you can do this are included in the site’s “Help Guides”. Feedback on your observations, including a history of the birds that you have observed, will be returned to you within a couple of days of submitting your data (see example feedback).
With the launch of this site we hope to further boost the reporting of marked shorebirds, which is crucial for ongoing conservation and scientific research, informing on the birds’ population dynamics, movements and site use.

Please note the old AWSG flagging email address is no longer in use.