News & Events

April 11, 2022

Sanderling highlights March 2022

Sanderling continue to be seen regularly in the South Australian section of Discovery Bay. Many of the flags recorded by observers are of individuals captured at Yambuck in early December 2021. Sanderling have been absent from the Nene Valley beach all season until the last few weeks 1 or 2 have occasionally been seen. On Saturday 19th March, a small group of 20-30 was sighted, including BMZ – yet another Yambuck individual.

Going further to the west we have had sightings from Little Rock and Pethers in Canunda. On 14th March, BKE was sighted – originally flagged at Yambuck, then seen by at Danger Point on 3rd March.

So, now we need some sightings from the Coorong! With Coorong the Park of the Month during March, and a Shorebirds activity on the 26th, fingers crossed we get some more sightings.

Congratulations to Sarah Campbell on winning the February Sanderling award of a print with this stunning photo of Sanderling BJH taken in Riddock Bay. BJH was originally flagged in the early December catch at Yambuck.

Photo courtesy of Sarah Campbell

Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th April were the last days in the field. The catching team has had variable success. The high note is that all 30 geolocators were deployed. The low note is that only one has been retrieved. This despite the fact that birds bearing geolocators have been observed at all catching sites, e.g. VAZ (aka ATZ) has been seen several times at Nene Valley west.

You can learn more about the Sanderling tracking project on the Glenelg Hopkins CMA website.

February 02, 2022

Recent wader sightings

There’s been some great observations recently from south-west Victoria and south-east South Australia.

The first was by Maureen Christie of some of the sanderling tagged late last year at Yambuk and Pethers, as part of the Sanderling tracking project.

The other was some fabulous pied oystercatcher sightings from the Coorong in January by Mary-Ann Van Trigt.

Thanks to Maureen and Mary-Ann for sharing these photos.

January 07, 2022

10 years on Thompson Beach godwits are still using Bald Hill in South Australia

Bar-tailed Godwits CAH, AKK, AHZ were photographed by Paul Taylor at Bald Hill on the 15/12/2021. He saw all three birds there in December 2020 as well. The three godwits were originally banded at Thompsons Beach, CAH on 23/11/2013 and the other two 29/11/2012.

AKK has featured previously in the news as our local frequent flyer. Fabulous to see these birds back again.

Thanks to Paul Taylor for permission to use these photos.

January 05, 2022

Sanderling tracking project commences in Discovery Bay

The Glenelg Estuary and Discovery Bay Ramsar Site Sanderling Project has commenced with the deployment of 15 transmitters. it is important to get people out on the beach looking for sanderling and hopefully reading engraved flags.

Co-ordinators of the Project – Glenelg Hopkins CMA have prepared the flyer below asking for leg flag sightings – there is even a prize for the best photo. Flock sightings and flag sightings from anywhere in Australia will be of assistance to this project.

November 19, 2021

Maureen Christie included in 2021 South Australian Women’s Honour Roll

In a ceremony at Government House on 17 November 2021, Maureen Christie, of Carpenter Rocks, was celebrated as one of 19 women on the 2021 South Australian Women’s Honour Roll. Maureen was acknowledged for her work as an environmental champion and community educator. She received a certificate from the Governor, Frances Adamson AC, on behalf of the Minister for Human Services, Michelle Lensink MLC, who was also present.

Congratulations, Maureen from everyone in the VWSG and FOSSE!!!

November 16, 2021

Latest spoon-billed sandpiper newsletter out

The latest newsletter of the SBS taskforce is now available on the EAAFP website. There are many worrying signs of declines at a range sites, and restrictions from the covid pandemic on the research and monitoring teams has made the field work even more challenging. The good news was the arrival of spoonie Lime 27 on Nan Thar island, Myanmar in early November (2021), for the eighth year running!

November 05, 2021

VWSG field work programme to restart

The fieldwork programme is about to restart for 2021 with the Mud Islands trip on November 10. And the Yallock Creek catching from 11th – 13th November will go ahead as planned. The King Island trip scheduled for November 17-26 has been cancelled due to the Tasmanian border closure.

Please check the field work program for details on joining catches.

October 14, 2021

Bar-tailed Godwit webinar 19 October

Pūkorokoro Miranda (New Zealand) are running a Webinar 19 October on the results from the latest Bar-tailed Godwit Tracking. Adrian Riegen will follow the story of the 2021 godwit tracking project. The marathon migrations of these extraordinary birds continue to amaze and surprise us. If you have been following our regular updates, join us to discover the inside story and have your questions answered.

Tuesday 19th October 2021 – 8:00PM NZDT GMT +13hours (NZ daylight saving time)

You need to register for the event using the following link:

August 23, 2021

AWSG North-west Australia Wader and Tern Expedition 2022

The Australasian Wader Studies Group has scheduled a three week field trip to the north-west of Western Australia from 14th February to 6 March 2022 and applications are now open. Send your applications to Roz and Tegan.

Information can be downloaded from: AWSG NWA 2022 Brochure and AWSG NWA 2022 Volunteer Role


Although many eastern states of Australia are experiencing a surge in Covid 19 cases by the end of the year interstate travel providing you have completed the two dose vaccination protocol seems possible without two weeks quarantine (current cost. max $2520pp AUD).

Unfortunately it seems unlikely participants will be able to come from overseas apart from New Zealand which may have a “travel bubble”. with some or all Australian states.

As AWSG will be visiting remote areas in Western Australia with vulnerable populations who experience a high level of underlying health concerns and many expeditioners have traditionally been over the age of 50 we request that you do not apply to come on the expedition unless you can provide a Covid vaccination certificate or certificate stating why you cannot be vaccinated.

You can go online to Services Australia to get either:

  • an immunisation history statement
  • COVID-19 digital certificate.

Your immunisation history statement shows all the immunisations you’ve had that are on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). The COVID-19 digital certificate only shows your COVID-19 vaccinations. You’ll be able to get your digital certificate after you’ve had all required doses of a vaccine as approved for use in Australia.

Be aware that access to WA can change rapidly and retrospectively, so you will need to assess the risk to being denied access from the state in which you live. It is likely you will need to show proof of vaccination.

Rob Bush, Roz Jessop, Tegan Douglas, Prue Wright.
AWSG Expedition leaders.

August 03, 2021

IWSG Virtual Conference 2021, October 8-10

The IWSG Virtual Conference 2021 will take place between the 8th and 10th of October. The abstract submission deadline is 16th of August:

The conference programme will feature a workshop on “Water management for wet-meadows under climate change“. The workshop is being organised by Yves Bötsch from the Michael-Otto-Institut im NABU and will take place on the 8th of October. More information about the workshop can be found at:

The IWSG Virtual Conference 2021 is sponsored by Ornitela and Hunan Global Messenger Technology Co., Ltd (HQXS). HQXS is sponsoring the conference by giving away six GSM/GPX transmitters to one conference participant. How can you win all of these transmitters? Please read more at: