Plover CAU makes a stopover on Kimberley coast; two birds in Sulawesi Indonesia.
The Male Grey Plover CAU departed Bald Hill, sometime after the last transmission cycle on the 17th April, and as of the 19th April the plover had travelled some 2,560 kilometres and was near Collier Bay on the Kimberley Coast, Indian Ocean. The bird has followed the coast and since the 21st to 23rd of April, appears to be stopping over off the Prince Regent River area of Kimberley Coast, Western Australia, with good quality signals received from this stopover site.

As of the last transmission on 23rd of April, Grey Plover CAS was still stopping over in northern Sulawesi. The bird was in the area where it had made landfall after the 14th of April. The bird was using rice fields around a small river delta near Leboto, Kwandang in North Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia. The plover had flown over 4,460 kilometres non-stop since departing Bald Hill South Australia sometime after the 7th of April transmission cycle.
Transmission for Grey Plover CAR was received again on the 21st April on the western shores of the Gulf of Boni, after no transmission since the 14th April. The Plover was on the coast and amongst rice paddies of a small river delta near the town of Benteng, Pakkasalo, Sibulue in the Bone Regency of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. CAR had travelled over 3,700 kilometres from Bald Hill in South Australia.
There have been no further transmissions from CMN.